Village Glen students have unique profiles of strengths and weaknesses and, therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is critical to facilitate our students in reaching their full potentials. Deficits in social and communicative skills are the primary hallmarks associated with autism so early and on-going intervention is critical to our students’ success. Remediation of these deficits is addressed in a variety of ways including accommodations to classroom instruction and instruction in social skills integrated throughout the curriculum and co-curricular activities. In addition, a wide range of support services are provided by highly professional and licensed professionals including counseling, speech and language and occupational therapy as designated by the student’s IEP. The College and Career Counselor provides guidance and support to assist all students in their transition to higher educational institutions.
Another group therapy is our Social Skills classes. These classes are structured and are based on both evidence-based intervention strategies and clinician-generated materials. Goals are developmentally oriented and focus on developing an understanding of theory of mind. Understanding how other people think and feel is at the crux of being successful in navigating social environments, along with understanding your own thoughts and feelings. Social skills classes are formed based on age and needs, but are specifically for neurodivergent individuals who are desiring of making friends, are aware of their social environment and have functional communication skills. Classes are designed to be fun and involve both structured and unstructured activities. Parent feedback provided at the end of every session.