Village Glen


General School


The student to teacher ratio is approximately 10 – 12 students per teacher and teaching assistant. The maximum class size is 14 students.

Village Glen School is a non-public school, accepting both public and privately funded students.

Yes! We are a college prep school and our students are working towards a high school diploma. We also offer support classes for struggling learners.

The school hours are as follows:
Sherman Oaks Campus: 8:55am – 3:30pm

Yes, if your child has school district funding, transportation is provided. If you would prefer to transport your child yourself and are funded for transportation by the IEP, then we will reimburse you at a generous per mile rate for providing that service yourself.

If paying privately for school, transportation can be provided at an additional cost.

Yes. Village Glen offers in-house support services including counseling, speech and language, and occupational therapy.

To begin the application process please fill out an online application. You can call Patricia at 877-943-5747 if you have any questions.

General School


The student to teacher ratio is approximately 10 – 12 students per teacher. The maximum class size is 14 students.

Village Glen School is a non-public school, accepting both public and privately funded students.

Yes! We are a college prep school and our students are working towards a high school diploma. We also offer support classes for struggling learners.

The school hours are as follows:
Sherman Oaks Campus: 8:55am – 3:30pm

Yes, if your child has school district funding, transportation is provided. If you would prefer to transport your child yourself and are funded for transportation by the IEP, then we will reimburse you at a generous per mile rate for providing that service yourself.

If paying privately for school, transportation can be provided at an additional cost.

Yes. Village Glen offers in-house support services including counseling, speech and language, and occupational therapy.

To begin the application process please fill out an online application and contact:
Patricia Johnson

General School


The student to teacher ratio is approximately 10 – 12 students per teacher. The maximum class size is 14 students.

Village Glen School is a non-public school, accepting both public and privately funded students.

Yes! We are a college prep school and our students are working towards a high school diploma. We also offer support classes for struggling learners.

The school hours are as follows:
Sherman Oaks Campus: 8:55am – 3:30pm

Yes, if your child has school district funding, transportation is provided. If you would prefer to transport your child yourself and are funded for transportation by the IEP, then we will reimburse you at a generous per mile rate for providing that service yourself.

If paying privately for school, transportation can be provided at an additional cost.

Yes. Village Glen offers in-house support services including counseling, speech and language, and occupational therapy.

To begin the application process please fill out an online application and contact:
Patricia Johnson